Thursday 23 February 2012

Frame Analysis

Our film challenges the conventions of real media products through our film opening. My group wanted to show the morning scene in our film leading to the idea of an aftermath of a party. Through doing a morning scene we wanted to set the scene of the film so that people are aware that it is a ‘teen romantic comedy’ therefore attracting our target audience. However there were some problems with trying to find a range of things to fit our film e.g. someone drinking coffee or making coffee because some people didn’t like the idea of being filmed or it wouldn’t come out right on the camera which could also link with the development of the conventions of real media products. 

The title of the film:
The title 'Another Day' is introduced at the end of our opening sequence to foreshadow the film therefore drawing our target audience in

For our establishing shot we took various shots to create the idea of the 'morning after' hence the title 'Another Day'. By starting with a busy train and ticket machine emphasises the idea of a new beginning into a new day. We wanted to create a 'morning after' feel because the film starts with the aftermath of a party that has occurred the day before.

Costume and Props:
In the first initial footage the characters have various props surrounding them again adding emphasis to the idea of the party that happened the previous day, e.g. cups on the floor, empty wine bottles and cans all over the floor etc. For the character Rick Flame we wanted him to look really cliche of a popular character e.g. leather jacket, jeans and boots etc. so we therefore dressed our actor with a vest and some jeans. Our party was for Rick Flame who was known as the character that organised a lot of parties as a way to 'hook up' with women. 

We took a variety of different shots and edited to reflect our genre and selected music. This consisted of slow pan shots and different transitions making it continuity editing so that everything flowed. The different range of shots reflects our genre because generally in 'Teen Rom Coms' the night before a party is usually portrayed for example in something like skins. In Romantic comedies you generally expect shots like a close up shots so that you can see the others characters reaction when one character says that they love them, another typical shot used in Romantic Comedies are Medium shots where the characters are seen together most likely holding hands or cuddling together. Through these shots we were able to identify the type of editing we needed which was continuity editing. 

Title font and style:
The title font we decided to choose is 'American typewriter.' This is done purposely to show that it is an American style theme outlined in a British way. This also was able to outline our genre which is 'Teen Rom Com' which appealed to our target audience revealed in our survey.

Story and how the opening sets it up: 
The opening starts with a range of different shots of the morning that links to the storyline which is about the aftermath of a party the night before.

Genre & how the opening suggests it:
Our genre is 'Teen Rom Com; the opening helps suggest this through seeing the characters and what kind of person they are perceiving in the film. 

How characters are introduced:
Most of the characters are introduced in different ways, the first character we're introduced to is the girl who we see walking down the stairs. As she is walking down we're also introduced to one of our main characters 'Rick Flames' who she kisses as she makes her way down. The second main character 'Ned Flames' is introduced using a panning shot of him watching t.v and taking notes on the documentary; doing this we wanted the audience to get an understanding on  his character and the type of person he is. 

Special effects:
We used special affects to transition different moments. However we found that it didn't work very well so we decided to leave it. We wanted to create a mood where the audience influenced by what was being shown and also to direct our target audience with any of the views that would be expressed in our film

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