Thursday 5 January 2012

Evaluation: Preliminary task

In my preliminary task I was able to learn how difficult it was to capture different moments in order to create suspension. From trying to create a shot without showing a persons reflection I was able to learn that there are different ways to capture a perfect shot.
I would rate my teamwork as 9/10 because we all worked together to get the job done, stuck to our individual roles given to us and remained under scheduled time. For my personal contribution I would give myself a 9/10 because i contributed to the editing as well as making sure that everyone was getting their job done and helped towards finding an actor to play the suspect in the investigating room as well as making them feel comfortable. Next i learnt that rather than sticking to 1 role i will also do things that i am not used to which includes working with the camera. I will continue to give more ideas within my group and also continue to help with planning in order to finish shooting at the scheduled time. 
Within the 180 degree rule we managed to film the characters talking whilst remaining on the right side of the 180 degree rule which was used with dialogue. At first we were worried that we broke the 180 rule but we done it again and managed to remain on the right side. 
Shot reverse shot was used between both actors talking to one another to see different responses to one another which helps to create tension. At first we found it difficult to understand what we needed to do but then we were then shown examples which helped towards our preliminary task. 
Match on action/ continuity was used when the officer was walking in with the folder opening the door to us seeing the officer walking into the interview room. Through editing i was able to make a clean cut making the film flow. 
Some problems occurred with sound and lighting. 1 problem being that there were a lot of background music which were hard to disguise even through minimizing sound. Another problem was when we tried to film the clock but the cameraman was reflected making the shot unrealistic. 

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